Saturday, November 12, 2011

After the Bible Bee...

Since the beginning of this amazing yet time consuming adventure called the Bible Bee, there have been some things I wanted to do that I put off such as...
- Practicing guitar
- Writing stories as frequently as I used to
- Reading a lot
- Trying to join the swim team
- Doing extra credit math homework (hmmm... somehow I haven't missed that so much)
- Going to our worship team's "Spark Nights"
- Sending out stories for publication
- Getting my learner's permit
- Editing my last book and working on a new one
- Ect, ect, ect....

So, these things have gone on a list I call the "After the Bible Bee" list. "After the Bible Bee" is also my favorite and most commonly used prepositional phrase, ( yes, I have a favorite prepositional phrase. You know you do too.)
But as the Bible Bee in Nashville draws nearer and nearer I realize what a friend of mine so poignantly stated: "Elora, after the Bible Bee, you'll MISS the Bible Bee!" (She said this using her very superior oratory skills). It is so true. I know myself; when it's over, I'll be sad and wonder what to do with myself. Then I'll get back to doing what I always do: memorizing verses and studying the Bible! I have a lot of AWANA verses to catch up on, (I put those off 'till after the Bible Bee too), and I'm thinking of starting a Bible study with some of the high schoolers and jr. highers from church.

But that's all after the Bible Bee. I'll have time to think about that later. For now... I'm leaving for Nashville in three days!
Let's let the Bible Bee begin before we think about it being over!
Keep on glowing in the dark,
P.s. It will be intense...

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